Hello everyone, today I am going to share with you a very easy to prepare recipe that will get you out of trouble and is perfect for hot days, since you don’t have to cook it and eating it is super refreshing. It is an avocado and almond salad, a very nutritious and filling dish with ingredients that combine very well with each other.
- Lettuce leaves
- Arugula leaves
- 1 avocado
- 50 grs of almonds
- 2 eggs
- Olive oil, lemon juice
- Salt, pepper, crunchy salad mix
How to make avocado and almond salad
We start with a handful of fresh arugula and a handful of lettuce. We are going to cut them into small pieces and add them in a salad bowl. With this we get a base of greens for our salad.
Now we are going to add an avocado, we are going to cut it into small squares and put it in the bowl with the lettuce.
Two eggs, we boil them for ten minutes to obtain hard boiled eggs (if you want to learn how to make perfect hard boiled eggs in less than a minute click here).
We peel the hard boiled eggs, cut them into cubes and also add them to the salad bowl.
Now we go with a handful of almonds, chop them with a knife, more or less the size we want. Ideally, they should be neither too big nor too small, to give crunchiness to the salad. We add them together with the other ingredients.
Season with a little olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice, salt, and the crunchy salad mix that I have already shown above, which is delicious.
The next step is simply to mix all the ingredients so that they are well seasoned and we are ready to enjoy this super salad.
You can also add cooked chicken pieces if you want to make it more hearty and use it as the main option in your meal.
A foolproof base
As we learned in this recipe, a salad of arugula, lettuce, egg and garnished with almonds is a quick, easy and very tasty preparation. While we can serve it like this, it may lack a bit of substance, i.e. it won’t be as filling. But this recipe is an excellent base to add whatever you want. Either fruits or vegetables such as tomatoes, beets and carrots, or meats such as chicken or tuna. We can also make a cushion of rice on the plate and serve the salad on top.
In short, everything can be combined with this salad. I recommend preparing it in summer, since it is the season of the year when arugula and lettuce are harvested, so you can enjoy a healthy and fresh product.